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12-21-24 Demolition and Excavation Equipment Liquidation Auction 10am-Full Machine & Truck Shop with Tools, Welders, MORE!
12-21-24 5860 S. Cedar Ave, FRESNO, CAWhere: 5860 S. Cedar Ave, Fresno, CA 93725 Take 41 South from Fresno to American Ave. Go East on American to Cedar. Follow the sign South on Cedar towards Lincoln …
1-18-25 Clovis Gunite Equipment Liquidation Auction with Trucks, Vehicles, Shop Items & MORE
Where: 9649 E. Bullard. Avenue, Clovis CA 93619 South side of Bullard between Highland and McCall Aves. When: Saturday, January 18, 2025 Auction will begin at 10:00a.m. with a preview beginning at 8:00a.m.…